Thursday, October 7, 2021

Self reflective essay teamwork

Self reflective essay teamwork

self reflective essay teamwork

 · The main objective of this paper is to conduct the self assessment in order to evaluate the role of the individual within the team in regards to other team members and therefore the effectiveness of the team work. The basis of this reflective essay is the theoretical framework, Reflective on a teamwork task. (, Jun 29).Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Teamwork is work done by several associates with each doing a particular part of the whole, leading to the realization of a common goal. The main reason that made me write this self-reflective essay on teamwork is that of the success I have been able to achieve through collaboration in my nursing profession  · Teamwork Self Reflection - Organizational Behaviour. My project team was one that is able to collaborate effectively, communicate well and focus on a task. The team dynamic was very positive, enthusiastic and productive. However, there were hurdles in the process that we had to work to get over. These included time management and avoiding

Reflective on a teamwork task Example | GraduateWay

The main objective of this paper is to conduct the self assessment in order to evaluate the role of the individual within the team in regards to other team members and therefore the effectiveness of the team work. Moreover, it is self reflective essay teamwork to appraise the correlation between the roles and duties assigned to each member and success. The basis of this reflective essay is the theoretical framework, experiences from the business world, aligned with the personal experience, self reflective essay teamwork, which would help me to identify and compare the difficulties that have arisen and the correct way of overcoming those.

In order to achieve the aim of this paper, it is essential to determine the essence of the teamwork. Teamwork is an activity performed by several individuals, aimed at achieving one main objective.

Means L. In this case the team has been formed by our professor in order to do presentations. Guffey E. The members of the team have been selected from different nationalities and backgrounds by our professor. There are six individuals in our group, self reflective essay teamwork, one of them comes from Germany and the other one comes from Latvia.

The rest of our four come from China. Therefore, at this point it is very significant to maintain good relationships with other team members and start managing the synergy inside the team, self reflective essay teamwork. According to Lehman C.

On the personal experience, the appropriate trust building activities, divided leadership and an open communication have helped our team to overcome this challenge and shift to the next phase, called storming. Belbin cited in Biech E. All these roles have been specifically designed in order to be more effectively succeeded in an achievement of the team objective. Thereby, self reflective essay teamwork, it is very vital to assign these roles in regards to the talents each team member possesses.

Notwithstanding, the challenge that self reflective essay teamwork team faced during this period is the lack of primary talents in order to assign each team role necessary to each member, therefore we have looked self reflective essay teamwork for the secondary talents and characteristics that could be related to the team role that was missing. Belbin cited in Bee R. Lehman C. Nevertheless, we have recovered the flow self reflective essay teamwork communication gradually owing to the encouragement and the starting open lines.

This communication is based on the open sharing of the knowledge, self reflective essay teamwork of opinions and compromise. During this stage the tasks are being most effectively achieved. Hellriegel D. Levin G. It is the first task of the leader during this time to keep the team members highly driven in order to aim for the success of the project. Shermerhorn R. This is the stage where the team leader shows his strength in the possibility of managing the inspiring and confident communication in the combination with the leadership skills.

There is a number of challenges that does not allow the team to achieve the target, however, our team has overcome these challenges at the start of their appearances.

As it was stated above, one of the challenges in our group has been the confusion of the goals at the end of the storming age. Nevertheless, the appointed leader has explained the aims and the purpose of the project and made sure that all the members have understood it.

In addition, the description of the resolved roles problem has been described above. Poor feedback from our professor has been another challenge for our team for a self reflective essay teamwork of time. It is obvious that during the teamwork, some conflicts may arise and it is considered as another challenge that group might face and needs to resolve.

Our team has not been exclusion. I insisted on putting a video on my part of presentation in 30th of Novemberwhich I thought it would be more persuasive and vivid when talking about UK retail industry. However, the other team members disagreed with me and asserted that the video should be cancelled.

Eventually, they reconciled with me after a long period of running- in. Schermerhorn R. The main goal of this stage is to feel the satisfaction from the thought of successful accomplishment of all the tasks. The success of this stage is well defined by the increased emotional feelings involved while leaving the group.

This implies the prosperous shifts in between the previous stages. Lussier N. Therefore not so many teams were successful in achieving this target. On balance, the success of the team depends on many factors, including correct team roles assignment, smooth shift from one stage of the team evolution to another and opens communication. Nevertheless, even with a successful application of these factors, the challenges and conflicts may still arise, since they are as well part of the team development.

Therefore it is crucial for me and the team members to overcome those obstacles, while concentrating on the strategic aims of the team in order to achieve the principal target. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample self reflective essay teamwork writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Reflective on a teamwork task. Accessed October 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper.

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Self-Reflective Essay On Teamwork - MyHomeworkWriters

self reflective essay teamwork

Reflective Essay On Teamwork. Words3 Pages. In essence, teamwork can be defined as a group of people working in the same direction and for a common purpose. Teamwork requires individuals be a team player and to be able to work well with others; after all, there is no “I” in “Team”! As with any endeavour, we faced some initial setbacks  · The main objective of this paper is to conduct the self assessment in order to evaluate the role of the individual within the team in regards to other team members and therefore the effectiveness of the team work. The basis of this reflective essay is the theoretical framework, Reflective on a teamwork task. (, Jun 29).Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · Teamwork Self Reflection - Organizational Behaviour. My project team was one that is able to collaborate effectively, communicate well and focus on a task. The team dynamic was very positive, enthusiastic and productive. However, there were hurdles in the process that we had to work to get over. These included time management and avoiding

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