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Problems and solutions animal testing essay

Problems and solutions animal testing essay

problems and solutions animal testing essay

Nov 04,  · A problem/solution essay on Animal Testing, and why it is wrong. Humans to this day find themselves dominant over animals. The world is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being afflicted on animals. As a result, animals are becoming more and more downtrodden in society Our writers offer custom paper writing services 24/7. In addition, we offer a % guarantee for Problems And Solutions Animal Testing Essay our custom written papers. We endeavor to Problems And Solutions Animal Testing Essay deliver % satisfaction every time you come to us for assistance. The best part is that we have a flexible pricing policy that lets you select an affordable /10() A problem/solution essay on Animal Testing, and why it is wrong. Humans to this day find themselves dominant over animals. The world is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being afflicted on animals. As a result, animals are becoming more and more downtrodden in society/5(15)

Essay Sample on Animal Testing: Solutions and Resolutions |

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Animal Testing — Worldwide Problem of Animal Testing. Any subject. Any type of essay. Statement of the problem: Animal testing has been around for centuries, starting with ancient Greek physicians who used animals for testing of medicines and anatomy of animals.

It was only during the 12th century when physicians first pushed the practice of surgery procedures on animals prior to human surgery. Especially in the mid-twentieth century, animal testing becomes a necessity before prescribing drugs to the general public in the US.

Inthere was the Elixir Sulfanilamide incident where the prescription of a drug caused the death of more than people. It is stated that if they tested the drug on an animal, it would have been clear to see the deadly effects of Elixir Sulfanilamide and highlighted how those deaths could have been avoided.

This incident caused a new law to be implemented in the US federal system Federal food, drug and cosmetic act that requires animal testing on drugs and other products before they are allowed to be distributed and sold to the general public. Primarily, animal testing is for problems and solutions animal testing essay safety of drugs and cosmetics being sold worldwide. However, animal testing despite providing consumers with safer drugs, always have drawbacks, problems and solutions animal testing essay.

In a lab in Silver Spring, Maryland, 17 macaque monkeys were being used for animal research on neuroplasticity. Their cages were uncleaned for days, the animals themselves were injured with lacerations and broken bones. Then, the founder of PETA uncovered the truth of the animals, sparked the movement of animal rights and revealed to the world the horrors of animal testing.

The testing of animals, the farming of animals for food, the farming of animals for fur and the use of animals in entertainment. BUAV They are an animal rights group that aims to end all animal testing worldwide with the belief that there is problems and solutions animal testing essay ethical justification of testing on animals.

EU, Norway,Israel, India These nations have banned cosmetic testing on animals within their countries. China The Chinese government requires animal testing on all imported cosmetics and skincare products, but since has lifted the animal testing requirement of products produced within the country as well as since has accepted innovative non-animal testing alternatives. Universal Declaration of Animal Rights In the yearthis was a suggested agreement to the UN.

This agreement outlines how countries should acknowledge that animals are sentient as well as encourages the responsible treatment of all types of animals, including animals used in industrial testing, as pets, wildlife…etc. Current Situation In the world we are living in right now, it has undoubtedly come to be due to animal testing.

Drugs sold in pharmacies, cosmetics sold in malls, our world is surrounded by animal experiments, problems and solutions animal testing essay. There has constantly been a debate on whether or not animal testing is required for the drugs and cosmetics manufactured for patients and consumers. Whilst some insist that it is necessary for the welfare of humans Elixir sulfanilamide caseother argue that it will only result in the harmful treatment of animals in poor living conditions Silver Spring Monkey case.

As a result, many animal welfare organizations have sprung out around the world to alert the people about animal testing and questions the necessity of it. Replace the use of animals with alternative techniques, problems and solutions animal testing essay, or avoid the use of animals altogether Reduce the number of animals used to a minimum, to obtain information from fewer animals or more information from the same number of animals.

Refine the way experiments are carried out, to make sure animals suffer as little as possible. This includes better housing and improvements to experiments which in turn would reduce pain to the animals. Although some believe that this will provide scientists with a better moral conscience when conducting animal testing and limiting the potential damage on animals lives, some believe that it will inhibit our acceleration of medical advancement and slow down our improvement of products for the people.

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Can we do science without animal testing?

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A problem/solution essay on Animal Testing, and why it is wrong. - WriteWork

problems and solutions animal testing essay

A Problem/Solution paper requires you to investigate a problem, examine alternative solutions, and. that animal testing is a problem and provides evidence to support this. In this paragraph,the student has given the reader some. background information. on the Size: KB Our writers offer custom paper writing services 24/7. In addition, we offer a % guarantee for Problems And Solutions Animal Testing Essay our custom written papers. We endeavor to Problems And Solutions Animal Testing Essay deliver % satisfaction every time you come to us for assistance. The best part is that we have a flexible pricing policy that lets you select an affordable /10() Nov 04,  · A problem/solution essay on Animal Testing, and why it is wrong. Humans to this day find themselves dominant over animals. The world is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being afflicted on animals. As a result, animals are becoming more and more downtrodden in society

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