Thursday, October 7, 2021

Do parents agree with homework over summer

Do parents agree with homework over summer

do parents agree with homework over summer

Sep 14,  · Even though the teachers are the ones that come up with the summer assignments, the parents aren’t much different, making the child do a lot more. I’ve never given homework over the summer. You know what I never would have thought would happen? frankly I agree, I’m entering my last year of high school and I’m taking multiple Jun 03,  · Ask most educational theorists, and they probably agree that homework, when given in moderation when and where appropriate, can be a useful tool to help kids learn and grow. The old adage “quality over quantity” applies to any home-based assignment, and timely feedback must be given to assist students learn the desired concept or skill Jul 28,  · Homework Center Libraries What is a Homework Center? With the support of grants and corporate/community funding, the Library has established 48 Homework Centers. These Centers provide enhanced resources, computer technology, and homework helpers to support the educational needs of students in these communities

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We've brainstormed things to do when your parents take away your cell phone. Because it WILL happen and the withdrawals are real. And painful. Granted, my kids have stricter parents than you do according to thembut I'm certain It can be extremely traumatizing, do parents agree with homework over summer, but there's hope! Once the initial shock is over, you can battle serious withdrawals—and believe you me, you'll have them—by distracting yourself with other activities.

I have two teenager daughters who've experienced the pain of cell phone loss; it wasn't pretty. With that in mind, the three of us put our heads together and brainstormed a list of things to do when your parents take away your cell phone. Also, you probably won't want to share this article with your parents because I'm totally providing a link to the best parental control apps. What do you do to keep busy when your parents take away your phone?

Share your ideas in the comments below! I suggest,that you guys,publishers,tell,us teens,how to GET our phones back,not WHAT,to do when they are took away.

Because life is do parents agree with homework over summer without a cell phone, I mean,you don't know what is going on in life. And sometimes,your not up to date on things, so yeah Also,we get to watch our friends have fun and do do parents agree with homework over summer these things, musical. ly,Insta,Facebook,FaceTime,etc and then there we are. The teen without a phone. I mean, do you publishers even understand what it's like not to have a phone?

I mean,you get a phone,then you get took away. It's like the world is took away from you,and you can live or get it back. I mean,it's ok to have your phone took away,but for a reason that is reasonable. Parents shouldn't be allowed to take their kids phone away whenever they want, do parents agree with homework over summer. That's not fair.

What did the kid do to get the phone took away? Why did they deserve to get it took away? And you guys want to know the worst part about not having a phone? Having your friends ask why you got it took away. Ohhhhhh, so true. And also that you are going to a party that same day where everyone will have their phones and you don't even get to borrow your brother's measly GoPhone. Well, I think they wrote this article specifying "what to do when" instead of "how to get back" because there is an enormeous ammount of lists of the latter.

For real I need to know how to get your parents trust back because I got caught with my tablet when I wasn't supposed to have it and I need to know what to do, do parents agree with homework over summer. Like people make mistakes and if I apologize I say sorry and other stuff and they say "oh you saying the same thing" or "You say sorry too much and you aren't being genuine.

I got my phone taken away because of my grades but because I got caught on my tablet when I wasn't supposed to be on it they are taking it to the extreme they want to switch my schools because I said I don't lie the do parents agree with homework over summer and the stuff they do.

They also may not give me back my phone for a few months. They said i lost all maturity and trust, do parents agree with homework over summer. They also wanna ask the school if I can do stuff on paper and not my Chromebook they wanna take away everything. Also, they wanna give my tablet to my little sister and my mom is deleting my accounts. I wanted to go see someone but I totally blew it and they don't know what is going on in my life they only know the little stuff I tell them. I am so stressed about stuff and they say that my life is perfect and have nothing to stress about UM YES I DO.

They don't know how sorry I am and that I learned my lesson and they won't believe that I am genuine. I'm sorry for this little rant but this just happened. me too i bought robux with 1 dollar and i have learnt it and ill never do it again but my dad wont belive me ive had no phone for 6 weeks now ya ik and i feel like my friends are texting likecrazy and the other my grandpa said "why arent you facetiming me i said my dad took away my phone" it made meso sad.

My mom took away my phone because i didn't have it on the charger at 9pm. The next day i found where she hid it and used it when she wasnt home. she found out and i lost it again for tomorrow. im not allowed on my chromebook other than for school and im not aloud to listen to music through it and my mom took my radio which plays basic music i dont like and she says i can use that even though i have no idea where it is.

they get mad when i read fanfic on wattpad and tell me to read an actual book but then my mom says that i read to much and i have to find something else to do. she wont let me write either which is one of my hobbies also on my chromebook and when i try to write on the pc she gets mad, do parents agree with homework over summer.

I feel your pain. My phone got taken away because my parents found out that I had a boyfriend. They don't know that I found a way to make contact and broke up with him cause they didn't approve. I've learned my mistake. I just want my phone back, it helped me deal with my anxiety and now that its gone I have nothing.

My parents are VERY strict btw. I need help on getting my phone back I got my phone taken away just because i said why I didn't give her attitude or anything and my dad Just said give me your phone and do parents agree with homework over summer sisters and the next day my sister gets her phone back and my mom takes my phone and hides it like bruh you can literly see who her favorite is and she says she loves all of us the same like no you dont. Bro like fr my mom babies my little brother but when i download an app on my phone she gets all mad and everything and then she took my phone away for a year.

I do online school and my grades are an F because she wont give it back and makes me do school 'till I lived 3months without my phone but my dad id still beging my mom to give it back to me;but my advise is to learn from your mistakes.

My phone was taken away for 1 and a half months just because I didn't play piano for 2 hours a day, my dad says i have to play for a month, 2 hours a day to get my phone back. but i still had to continue practicing piano. it sounds so dumb to play piano 2 HOURS a day!!! i would only agree to play for 1 hour and 30 minutes OK. but i learned that i have to go on my phone JUST FOR IMPORTANT THINGS!!! My dad took my phone away last night after going through it. Please help. Please help me.

like i agree my mom was smiling at my siblings then she gave me a mad look like wtf why then i get my phone took away. for what like am not robot like she cant spend a day without hers like vids and pics. Do parents agree with homework over summer phone may very well be the source of your depression.

I'm speaking from experience. I got all of do parents agree with homework over summer devices taken away - I'm using a school computer right now. It's actually really helped with my depression. When I still had my phone, computer, etc. I thought those helped me, but they just made everything worse. Again, I'm just speaking from experience.

Looking at these comments, I refuse to believe that these are actual people. Perhaps you are all lying about your age as well but whats the point? Honestly I can see why they took your phone away. This behavior is proving their point and I am in complete awe that you would comment this hoping that someone would understand your struggle. I'm not saying that its not a big problem, do parents agree with homework over summer, we all live our 2nd life on our phones and getting them taken away is like loosing a life but seriously this is the dumbest thing you can do.

I'm not writing a hate comment, I just hope that you decided to stop being immature and actually ate some food, dangit. Man, I've been grounded for a year before and if I did what you did I'd be dead like what the heck do you think your parents are gonna do other than get you help that isn't your phone???

I have ADHD and honestly the phone wasn't helping me at all. I just needed to go outside and literally climb a tree because it reminded me to calm down and stuff. Honestly I don't even know how this helps me, it just does. Also its difficult to decipher the last part due to your horrifying and might I add ungodly sense of grammar. Linking back to my statement at the beginning, I refuse to believe an actual human being would act in such an impulsive way.

I am 15 years old and I feel like I'm 10 years older than most of the people here considering how strange and alien your actions are. Do not hate on me for saying that this is completely unhealthy and your depression doesn't justify hurting yourself in this way. I hope you got actual help that wasn't your phone because its obviously a bad influence by this point. Peters says, kids tend to withdraw from the parent.

Also my mom is deleting my accounts. Bro i got my phone taken away do they even know the type of stress us teens go through? like the way social media pressures us? Like without my phone i am miserable. Ive had anxiety attacks and i do parents agree with homework over summer break down at different times a day.

i had to go to jersey to stay with my uncle and he told me the same thing everyone else has told me "You dont need social media focus on school" Im going to be honest my grades started slipping ever since i got my phone taken bc tht was the only thing on my mind.

I would use my pc and log into insta to talk to my friends and when i got caught my mom took away all the computers in the do parents agree with homework over summer and all i have now is my chromebook from school.

Teacher Writes Insult On Boy’s Homework, Has No Idea Who Dad Is

, time: 4:24

How to Get Children to Do Homework | Empowering Parents

do parents agree with homework over summer

I have a 12 year old son who stole money last summer from my husband (his dad). It was a pretty good about, i believe it was at least $, in addition to several gift cards he stole from his siblings. I am still sitting on the punishment because her step-dad and I do not agree. same bad choices over and over again. Many parents wonder Mar 31,  · Sit down with your parents and ask them if they could let you stay up a half hour later over the summer. Be sure to come up with reasons they should let you stay up! Saying you want to be able to spend more time with your family could be a good reason to give them Dec 22,  · Homework has even started to take over the summer vacations. Once the long break was seen as a chance for children to have adventures, discover themselves and explore nature. Now the summer months are viewed as an extension of the academic year – a chance for kids to catch up or get ahead with workbooks and tutoring

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