1 day ago · Essay about me and my family. Restorative justice dissertation ideas, conjugaison verbe essayer au passã© composã©, group essay ideas essay about farmer in tamil language how to close and essay?Is plastic bad for the environment essay introduction to research paper powerpoint Masters dissertation example abstract word count for rics case study, cambridge university essay competition Abstract: “W.J.T. Mitchell has famously noted that we are in the midst of a “pictorial turn,” and images are playing an increasingly important role in digital and multimodal communication. My dissertation addresses the question of how meaning is made when texts and Feb 28, · How to write an abstract. Published on February 28, by Shona McCombes. Revised on May 20, An abstract is a short summary of a longer work (such as a dissertation or research paper).The abstract concisely reports the aims and outcomes of your research so that readers know exactly what the paper is about
How to Write an Abstract | 4 Steps & Examples
My dissertation addresses the question of how meaning dissertation abstract com made when texts and images are united in multimodal arguments. Visual rhetoricians have often attempted to understand text-image arguments by privileging one medium over the other, either using text-based rhetorical principles or developing new image-based theories.
In each of these periods, I argue that dissociation reveals how the privileged medium can shape an entire multimodal argument. I conclude with a discussion of dissociative multimodal pedagogy, applying dissociation to the multimodal composition classroom. I argue that the space of the specter is a force of representation, an invisible site in which the uncertainties of antebellum economic dissertation abstract com social change become visible.
Methodologically, Apparitional Economies moves through historical events and textual representation in two ways: chronologically with an attention to archival materials through the antebellum era dissertation abstract com with the specters that emerge with the Panic of and interpretively across the readings of a literary specter as a space of lack and potential, as exchange, as transformation, and as the presence of absence.
As a failed body and, therefore, a flawed embodiment of economic existence, the literary specter proves a powerful representation of antebellum social and financial uncertainties. Michael Todd Hendricks Drawing from the history of adolescence and the context of midcentury female juvenile delinquency, I argue that studios and teen girl stars struggled for decades with publicity, censorship, and social expectations regarding the sexual license of teenage girls.
Until the late s, exploitation films and B movies exploited teen sex and pregnancy while mainstream Hollywood ignored those issues, struggling to promote teen girl dissertation abstract com by tightly controlling their private lives but depriving fan magazines of the gossip and scandals that normally fueled the machinery of stardom.
This new image was a significant departure from the widespread belief that the sexually active teen girl was a fundamentally delinquent threat to the nuclear family, and offered a liberal counterpoint to more conservative teen girl prototypes like Hayley Mills, which continued to have cultural currency.
It explores the literary presence of the middle class managing daughter in the Victorian home. Collectively, the novels in this study articulate social anxieties about the unclear and unstable role of daughters in the family, the physically and emotionally challenging work they, and all women, do, and the struggle for daughters to find a place in a family hierarchy, which is often structured not by effort or affection, but by proscribed traditional roles, which do not easily adapt to managing daughters, even if they are the ones holding the family together.
The managing daughter is a problem not accounted for in any dissertation abstract com domestic structure or ideology so there is no role, no clear set of responsibilities and no boundaries that could, and arguably should, define her obligations, offer her opportunities for empowerment, or set necessary limits on the broad cultural mandate she has to comfort and care others.
The extremes she is often pushed to dissertation abstract com the stresses and hidden conflicts for authority and autonomy inherent in domestic labor without the iconic angel in the house rhetoric that so often masks the difficulties of domestic life for women. She gains no authority or stability no matter how loving or even how necessary she is to a family because there simply is no position in the parental family structure for her. The managing daughter thus reveals a deep crack in the structure of the traditional Victorian family by showing that it often cannot accommodate, protect, or validate a loving non-traditional family member because it values traditional hierarchies over emotion or effort.
Yet, in doing so, it also suggests that if it is position not passion that matters, then as long as a woman assumes the right position in the family then deep emotional connections to others are not necessary for her to care competently for others. Virginia B.
Engholm Dissertation abstract com average birth rate per woman in was just over seven, but bythat rate had fallen to just under than three and a half. The question that this dissertation explores is what cultural narratives about reproduction and reproductive control emerge in the wake of this demographic shift. How do women, and society, control birth? This dissertation, dissertation abstract com, then, constructs a cultural narrative of the process of controlling birth.
While the chapters of this work often focus on traditional sites of birth control—contraceptives, dissertation abstract com, abortion, and eugenics—they are not limited to those forms, uncovering previously hidden narratives of reproduction control.
By focusing on a variety of cultural texts—advertisements, fictional novels, historical writings, medical texts, popular print, and film—this project aims to create a sense of how these cultural productions work together to construct narratives about sexuality, reproduction, and reproductive control. Relying heavily on a historicizing of these issues, my project shows how these texts—both fictional and nonfictional—create a rich and valid site from which to explore the development of narratives of sexuality and reproductive practices, as well as how these narratives connect to larger cultural narratives of race, class, and nation.
The interdisciplinary nature of this inquiry highlights the interrelationship between the literary productions of the nineteenth and twentieth century and American cultural history.
Amber M. Stamper Most recently, these Christian evangelists have gone online. As a contribution to scholarship in religious rhetoric and media studies, this dissertation offers evangelistic websites as a case study into the ways persuasion is carried out on the Internet.
Through an analysis of digital texts—including several evangelical home pages, a chat room, discussion forums, and a virtual church—I investigate how conversion is encouraged via web design and virtual community as well as how the Internet medium impacts the theology and rhetorical strategies of web evangelists.
The project begins within the historical framework of the multiple financial crises that occurred in the late eighteenth century: seven crises took place between and alone, appearing seemingly out of nowhere and creating a climate of financial meltdown.
But how did the awareness of economic turbulence filter into the creative consciousness? Through an interdisciplinary focus on cultural studies and behavioral economics, the dissertation posits that in spite of their conventional, status quo affirming endings opportunists are punished, lovers are marriednovels and plays written between and contemplated models of behavior that were newly opportunistic, dissertation abstract com, echoing the reluctant realization that irrationality had become the norm rather than a rare aberration.
By analyzing concrete narrative strategies used by writers such as Frances Burney, Georgiana Cavendish, Hannah Cowley, and Thomas Holcroft, I demonstrate that late eighteenth-century fiction both articulates and elides the awareness of randomness and uncertainty in its depiction of plot, character, and narrative.
George Micajah Phillips In response, Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, T. Eliot, and others sought to better understand how identity was recognized, particularly visually. By exploring how painting, dissertation abstract com, photography, colonial exhibitions, and cinema sought to manage visual representations of identity, these modernists found that recognition began by acknowledging the familiar but also went further to acknowledge what was strange and new as well.
Aparajita Sengupta Indian cinema is a subject about which conceptions are still muddy, dissertation abstract com, even within prominent academic circles. The majority of the recent critical work on the subject endeavors to correct misconceptions, analyze cinematic norms and lay down the theoretical foundations for Indian cinema.
This dissertation conducts a study of the cinema from India with a view to examine the extent to which such cinema represents an anti-colonial vision. The political resistance of Indian films to colonial and neo-colonial norms, dissertation abstract com, and their capacity to formulate a national identity is the primary focus of the current study. Kenneth Carr Hawley For Boethius, confused and conflicting views on fame, fortune, happiness, good and evil, fate, free will, necessity, dissertation abstract com, and providence are only capable of clarity and resolution to the degree that one attains to knowledge of the divine mind and especially to knowledge like that of the divine mind, which alone possesses a perfectly eternal perspective.
Thus, as it draws upon such fundamentally Boethian passages on the eternal Prime Mover, this study demonstrates how the translators have negotiated linguistic, literary, cultural, dissertation abstract com, religious, and political expectations and forces as they have presented their own particular versions of the Boethian vision of eternity.
Even though the text has been understood, accepted, and appropriated in such divergent ways over the centuries, the Boethian vision of eternity has held his Consolations arguments together and undergirded all of its most pivotal positions, without disturbing or compromising the philosophical, secular, academic, or religious approaches to the work, as readers from across the ideological, theological, doctrinal, and political spectra have appreciated and endorsed the nature and the implications of divine eternity.
It is the consolation of eternity that has been cast dissertation abstract com consistently and so faithfully into Old, Middle, and Early Modern English, regardless of form and irrespective of situation or background, dissertation abstract com. For whether in prose and verse, dissertation abstract com, or all-verse, and whether by a Catholic, dissertation abstract com, a Protestant, a king, a queen, dissertation abstract com author, or a scholar, dissertation abstract com translation has presented the texts central narrative: as Boethius the character is educated by the figure of Lady Philosophy, his eyes are turned away from the earth and into the heavens, dissertation abstract com, moving him and his mind from confusion to clarity, from forgetfulness to remembrance, from reason to intelligence, and thus from time to eternity.
Douglas Larue Residedissertation abstract com, The form remains, however, virtually unstudied by literary scholars. In part, this may be a result of the difficulty of accessing the texts, dissertation abstract com. Reading a musical from a traditional codex is no easy matter. The integration of text and music in a musical make it inappropriate to separate the two. One can try to follow along with a cast recording. In most cases, dissertation abstract com, though, this is awkward.
Many cast albums record a significantly modified version of the score and lyrics and few include the dissertation abstract com work. Further, musical theatre texts often exist in many different versions. This work begins with a summary of the problems one encounters when editing a multi-authored text musicals often have a lyricist, librettist, and composer which may be revised for practical rather than aesthetic reasons.
The merits of restoring the material changed during the production process are debated. In this discussion dissertation abstract com attempt is made to identify who should be considered the dominating collaborator or auteur of a musical.
Ultimately, this dissertation argues that the notion of trying to restore an "authorial Ur-Text" makes little sense given the multitude of collaborators involved in the process of making musicals. Instead, an electronic variorum edition is presented as an alternative means of studying and teaching musical theatre texts.
The study concludes with a narrative of the authors own work on an electronic edition of the Broadway musical Parade and ends with a critical introduction to this text. Skip to main content.
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How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper
, time: 7:29How to Write an Abstract for Your Thesis or Dissertation
DISSERTATION ABSTRACT In a single-spaced paragraph, summarize the substantive focus and research design of the dissertation and its contribution to education. Please include the purpose, methods, and scope of the dissertation. A text box is provided within the online application; please refer to length restrictions on the application form Jan 07, · Yet the abstract is going to end up being one of the most influential parts of your dissertation. If done well, it should provide a synopsis of your work and entice the reader to continue on to read the entire dissertation. A good abstract will contain the following elements 1 day ago · Essay about me and my family. Restorative justice dissertation ideas, conjugaison verbe essayer au passã© composã©, group essay ideas essay about farmer in tamil language how to close and essay?Is plastic bad for the environment essay introduction to research paper powerpoint Masters dissertation example abstract word count for rics case study, cambridge university essay competition
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