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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. The goal of this study was to review the content posted in available local Jordanian Facebook groups to explore the perceptions of parents regarding the challenges of distance learning faced by their children barrier dissertation the coronavirus outbreak in Jordan.
The Facebook search engine was used to identify local Facebook groups. The search keywords included distance learning, parents, and Jordan. Several faculty professors reviewed barrier dissertation posts and discussion flow on distance learning posted in Facebook groups from March 15 th to April 25 th The study identified a total of posts and threads which categorized thematically for further analysis.
The selected threads and answers revealed four underlying themes: 1 personal barriers 2 technical barriers 3 logistical barriers and 4 financial barriers.
Overall, barrier dissertation, parents were not limited to their daily routines during the pandemic, barrier dissertation.
They performed the responsibility of helping school in teaching students. Many parents faced many types of barriers in their endeavors to assist their children with distance learning during the pandemic. On March 12th,the World Health Organization WHO declared that the outbreak of coronavirus disease COVIDwhich is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 barrier dissertation and which was first identified in Wuhan, China, barrier dissertation, had reached the level of a global pandemic WHO, Less than one week later, on March 18th,barrier dissertation, UNESCO reported that an estimated nations had closed all schools due to the pandemic United Nations Educational, barrier dissertation, Scientific and Cultural Organization, These school closures have affected approximately million school students, which represents almost half of the school-age population worldwide Jackson et al.
The decision to close schools is generally based on the scientific data that during influenza virus pandemics lower social association among students is necessary to interrupt the spread of the virus Abuhammad, b The closing of schools can have a positive impact on mortality by reducing the transmission and incidence of a disease Abuhammad, a ; Anderson et al. However, it can also have a negative impact by reducing the available healthcare workforce to care for the ill because they cannot secure childcare to enable them to go to work.
According to research on school students, the mean value of daily social association when schools are closed is almost half that of when schools are open. On the other hand, there is an increase in contact between school students and parents and other adults when schools are barrier dissertation Eames et al, barrier dissertation. The evidence on the effectiveness of closing schools and other measures for social distancing almost entirely comes from research undertaken on this measure during influenza outbreaks, and it has been shown in such outbreaks that school students drive virus transmission Brooks et al.
It has been shown that closing schools leads to significant reductions in the peak rate of infection compared to the rate of cumulative infection, and based on modeling research, such an approach can have a significant impact on the reproduction of infection rate if the transmission rate of the virus is low Nafisah et al, barrier dissertation. However, the effectiveness of such an approach is unclear in the case of coronavirus outbreaks that have occurred for instance, as a result barrier dissertation severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS or Middle East respiratory syndrome MERSand more recently and particularly, COVID, barrier dissertation, which seem to have a different transmission dynamic Bayham and Fenichel, ; Shen et al.
The strategy employed to close schools differs by country and the decision may be made at a national, regional, or local level. In addition, there may be reactive closures of schools because of the personal choice of barrier dissertation parents to withdraw their children from school in reaction to the rate of student infection Shen et al. According to Hannum et al. It has also been determined that distance learning is an effective approach at the college, university, and high school level parents' perspective Hannum et al.
When school students are required to remain at home, as is the case during the current COVID pandemic, barrier dissertation, parents not only need good parenting skills, they also need a good level of education.
In addition to monitoring the temperament and the performance of their children, parents should attempt to satisfy their children's educational needs as effectively as possible, barrier dissertation. One way in which this additional parenting role is being supported is through giving children and parents access to distance barrier dissertation materials and techniques via the internet.
However, barrier dissertation there has been a tremendous increase barrier dissertation the use of online distance learning at all learning stages in various regions, barrier dissertation are still some barriers to distance learning. These barriers can hamper or completely prevent the utilization of distance learning by some groups. It is therefore important to understand the perceptions of parents regarding the barriers to distance learning because doing so will enable government and education decision-makers to create solutions to remove the barriers that most affect parents and prevent them from supporting their children to attain a good education.
It is envisaged that the outcomes of this research, which focuses on the perceptions of parents with school-age children in the Jordanian context, barrier dissertation, will add to the education knowledge base on how to provide education barrier dissertation school-age children during the outbreak of COVID It is hoped barrier dissertation administrators of schools will be able to use the information presented in this study to enhance the learning experience and performance of students.
In addition, an understanding of the barriers encountered by parents could help school administrators and school boards to develop an efficient environment for distance learning during the COVID outbreak and other crises. Although Facebook barrier dissertation quite an unreliable platform, it is a barrier dissertation source of information because of its ease of use and large number of users Cole-Lewis et al.
Thus this study analyzed the available Facebook groups to explore the perceptions of parents about distance learning during the COVID outbreak in Jordan. Many researchers from Faculty of Nursing reviewed the posts and discussion flow on distance learning in the available nine Facebook groups from March 15 th to April 25 th The aim of the review was to identify the topics that explained the perceptions of parents about their roles and responsibilities during the COVID outbreak in the country.
This review process produced a total of posts and threads from all nine Facebook groups. A general qualitative method was employed in order to gain a better understanding of the reports barrier dissertation parents regarding their subjective perceptions, barrier dissertation, attitudes, and convictions about barriers to distance learning during the outbreak of COVID The researchers of this work analyzed all the posts written words and comments to understand the data as fully as possible.
Most of the posts and comments were in the Arabic language, barrier dissertation. For purposes of reporting, these were translated from Arabic into English and then back-translated to ensure the preservation of the original content and meaning. All the posts and comments were coded and de-identified before review. They were then entered into NVivo 11 software QSR International, barrier dissertation, USA. The researcher of this work performed a content analysis on the material.
A consensus approach was used to resolve any discrepancies barrier dissertation arose between the two researchers. A limited amount of editing of the posts and comments was done to eliminate meaningless content e, barrier dissertation. and to correct grammar, barrier dissertation. An ellipsis was used to show where such content had been barrier dissertation. Square brackets barrier dissertation used within the quotations to barrier dissertation words that the participants had omitted to make the sentences grammatical or to substitute sensitive information such as ID number or names.
The Institutional Review Board at Jordan University of Science and Technology reviewed and approved the research protocol employed in this study. The nine local barrier dissertation or child Facebook groups consisted of eight private groups and one public group and between them contained a total of 1, subjects, barrier dissertation. Table 1 presents more details on the groups, barrier dissertation. The qualitative review of the content revealed four underlying themes regarding the perceptions of parents about their roles and responsibilities in relation to distance learning among their children during the COVID virus outbreak.
These four themes were personal barriers, technical barriers, barrier dissertation, logistical barriers, and financial barriers. Table 2 provides some examples of the types of posts and comments that fell under these four themes as well as the subthemes that emerged from each of the main themes. Summary of themes generated from analysis of facebook posts on distance learning during COVID outbreak in Jordan. Based on the discussions, the parents seemed to have many personal barriers that they felt affected the standard and quality of their children's distance learning experience.
It was clear that the parents' own lack of training in how to handle distance learning techniques and materials and the absence of trained personnel who could assist them were key concerns. Moreover, not all parents were able to handle the technology required for distance learning, which prevented them from enabling its efficient use at barrier dissertation. Finally, the parents raised this issue of their own qualifications.
Parents with lower levels of education felt that they were not able to assist their children in studying specific subjects and in handling the necessary technology. See Table 2. The latter issue was experienced a lot during the period of the COVID outbreak covered by the study. One post concentrated on the quality of the internet speed, barrier dissertation, which was not suitable for distance learning lessons that used a lot of video barrier dissertation. This point led to an extensive discussion thread, and overall, parents showed a negative attitude toward this barrier during the COVID outbreak.
Many of the posts made by parents indicated that the introduction of distance learning was not fair, barrier dissertation that their children were not prepared to use distance learning as the main medium of education.
In a study, some said that their children lacked computer proficiency and the prerequisite skills to achieve good results through distance teaching Irvin et al, barrier dissertation. Some parents were dissatisfied with distance learning and felt that this kind of learning should not substitute for face-to-face education despite the benefits of distance learning, such as saving time and effort for school students, barrier dissertation.
In addition, the posts of parents regarding this kind of learning revealed that they felt that it did not meet the educational needs of school students, barrier dissertation they dissatisfied with their children level.
Some parents also expressed the view that the distance learning method of education lacks flexibility in meeting the needs of a child because if a child does barrier dissertation understand something, the child cannot get clarification at the time when it is needed.
Comments covered the difficulty of paying for expensive laptops and related technology that are required for effective distance learning. Moreover, some posts drew attention to the fact that the internet is not free and data usage is not unlimited.
In other words, parents need to pay for internet and if their children must spend more time on the internet for studying purposes this will cost them more money. Many lectures and assignments in a range of subjects require a good-quality internet connection or a large amount of data usage, barrier dissertation, which both barrier dissertation to the cost of distance learning online.
This study aimed to describe and clarify the perceptions of parents about the barriers to distance learning during the coronavirus crisis in Jordan. It is important to understand these perceptions to enable government and decision-makers to develop solutions to address the barriers that affect parents, barrier dissertation. From the analysis, it was clear that many barriers were encountered by parents from personal and financial barriers to technical and logistical issues.
As regards personal barriers, our study found that personal barriers constituted the most apparent type of barrier. These barriers included lack of training and support, lack of technical expertise, inadequate communication, barrier dissertation, and lack of qualifications. Indeed, barrier dissertation, lack of training in the use of distance learning was one of the most often reported barriers.
Other studies have also recognized the presence of similar of these barriers in post-secondary agricultural learning Mbukusa et al. Our finding is also consistent with Irvin et al.
Also, barrier dissertation, many parents in our study mentioned the lack of technical help. The absence of personnel to manage distance learning has also been identified as a barrier to distance teaching in other studies Irvin et al. Parents should have understanding to technology Bukhkalo et al.
Technology can parents if students are unable to participate in their distance learning lessons because of the unreliability of the home internet and technical devices that are available Knouse, The secret of successful distance learning is dependable technology to ensure the online delivery of distance learning classes using engaging distance learning techniques Bukhkalo et al.
Parents and their school-age children appreciate that technology can improve their experience of distance learning Menchaca and Bekele, However, barrier dissertation, both school students and members of staff in another study identified communication as a barrier to effective distance learning.
The only chance barrier dissertation the students to communicate with the distance learning instructor is during the allocated barrier dissertation time. Facilitators of distance learning have realized that communicating via e-mail can frustrate students because they cannot receive timely barrier dissertation or responses via this mode of communication Ouma et al. Some students have not engaged in lessons due to a lack of communication with the distance learning instructor.
Some students and parents have reported a lack of the required technical expertise; which has also been identified as barrier in post-secondary environments Renes and Strange Our study also found that technical barriers insufficient investment and maintenance and insufficient connectivity also impeded distance learning, which is also in line with past research Astri, Mousavi et al.
Furthermore, in our study, some posts revealed that there were associations between logistical barriers and distance learning as well. The logistical barriers were the only barriers that were found to have an association with completing a course.
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, time: 57:13Intra Urban Barriers | Dissertation by Nishita Mohta - Issuu

Nov 15, · Intra urban barriers dissertation final report. submitted on 12 november guide: archana khanna coordinator: leon a morenas. nishita Barrier MOSFETs A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Laurie Ellen Calvet Dissertation Director: Professor Mark A. Reed May Related Dissertations. Research on Monitoring and Early-Warning of TBT Risk in Textile and Garment,TP; Technical barriers to trade and Countermeasures of China 's electronic information products export,F;F; Research on Conformity Assessment Procedures Issues of TBT Agreement,D; On Technical Barriers to Trade and the Countermeasures
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