Thursday, October 7, 2021

An embarrassing moment in my life essay

An embarrassing moment in my life essay

an embarrassing moment in my life essay

My Most Embarrassing Moment2 Pages Words. Some things are easier to remember, and some are easier to forget. I can remember my most embarrassing moment as if it happened yesterday. I've tried, over the years, to forget this moment, but it just never seems to go away. As I've gotten older, I can think back to that day and just laugh The most embarrassing moment in my life was when I went to school without my books. I was studying really hard all night, actually I was pulling an all-nighter, and I forgot to bring my The Most Embarrassing Moments of My Life. Words7 Pages. We all have experienced an embarrassing moment in our life, such as fall down from the chair, call some one wrong name, and pee in pant. I this moments, we will be ashamed or laugh in the end. For me, I will laugh, because when we do the embarrassing thing, we did not intend to do it

My Most Embarrassing Moment essays

As the mathematics teacher stepped out of the class, there was a sense of relief as Mr. Siva was a strict disciplinarian who would not tolerate any of our pranks. The other students started their conversation. Today Zahirah who sit beside me was absent. She got a fever. Then, I saw Seng Hye bustled to the front of the class. The most detestable boy in the class, he was the prankster whose his behavior was a source of irritation and annoyance to most of us especially among the girls.

He approached me with his familiar mischievous grin from ear to ear. Then, in a twinkling of an eye, he put something on my desk. As he ran out of the classroom, I could hear his hysterical screams. I knew he was up to mischief again.

It was then I saw he slimy, creepy creature staring at me with it moist eyes. All of a sudden, with a croak and a single giant leap, the four-legged creature landed on my lap. I was frozen with fear. Then, I let out a few screams that echoed the class. This joke was at my expense.

Calling his name at the top of my voice, he cowered in silence. The hilarious laughter I heard before from my other classmates stopped. Seng Hye an embarrassing moment in my life essay guilt written all over his face. We were both summoned to Mr. He asked for apologize and was let off with a stern warning. As I stepped out of the room, I knew this was the one incident that would remain in my memory for a long time.

Initially, it was the day I lost my temper but now, it becomes my most embarrassing moment in my life. Zahira who was absent that day always teases me about this incident. This is the one of best blog. this blog is help me more. i read this blog i got an idea about essay writing. essay writing is not a simple. while reading this blog i got an idea about essay. Essay writing is a typical school task, an a portion of government sanctioned tests, and a prerequisite on school applications.

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my essay: Essay 9 : The Embarrassing Moment in My Life

an embarrassing moment in my life essay

The Most Embarrassing Moments of My Life. Words7 Pages. We all have experienced an embarrassing moment in our life, such as fall down from the chair, call some one wrong name, and pee in pant. I this moments, we will be ashamed or laugh in the end. For me, I will laugh, because when we do the embarrassing thing, we did not intend to do it Most embarrassing moment of my life. With the summer holiday just about to end, I was saddened to know that I was soon going back to school and begin another tedious semester. I had spent a couple of week at my aunt’s home where I had gone to spend some time just to experience a change of the atmosphere. At her place, I was delighted to meet Our online essay writing service delivers Master’s level writing by experts who have earned graduate Embarrassing Moment In My Life Essay degrees in your subject matter. Embarrassing Moment In My Life Essay All citations and writing are % original. Your thesis is delivered to you ready to submit for faculty review/10()

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