Thursday, October 7, 2021

Aacn position paper on nursing research

Aacn position paper on nursing research

aacn position paper on nursing research

Concurrently and with input from the Task Force on the Clinical Doctorate, the AACN Task Force on Education & Regulation II developed the Working Paper on the Clinical Nurse Leader Role (AACN, ), which subsequently was accepted by the AACN Board in October The development of this new nurse role, Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), was in response to growing client care needs and to Jul 14,  · Begin by reading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) position statement on nursing research (Nursing Research). Next explore South’s Online Library and conduct a search to locate a minimum of three nursing research articles that have addressed the problem you have identified. The literature may not be older than 5 years. After reading [ ] Oct 26,  · Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding effective

Position Statement on Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity in Academic Nursing

Download PDF Version. As the collective voice for academic nursing, aacn position paper on nursing research, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN serves as the catalyst for excellence and innovation in nursing education, research, and practice. This AACN position statement is intended to articulate the vision and principles of AACN associated with these values, which may be reflected in similar statements by AACN members.

Relevant research affirms the core interests of AACN members in advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in academic nursing. As reflected below, those interests center on many facets of nursing education, central to the success of nursing schools in 21ST Century America. They reflect aacn position paper on nursing research need to:.

As used in this position statement, diversity references a broad range of individual, population, and social characteristics, including but not limited to age; sex; race; ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender identity; family structures; geographic locations; national origin; immigrants and refugees; language; physical, functional, and learning abilities; religious beliefs; and socioeconomic status. Inclusion represents environmental and organizational cultures in which faculty, students, staff, and administrators with diverse characteristics thrive.

Inclusive environments require intentionality and embrace differences, not merely tolerate them. Everyone works to ensure the perspectives and experiences of others are invited, aacn position paper on nursing research, welcomed, acknowledged, and respected in inclusive environments. More broadly, equity is interrelated with diversity and inclusion. Equity is the ability to recognize aacn position paper on nursing research differences in the resources or knowledge needed to allow individuals to fully participate in society, including access to higher education, with the goal of overcoming obstacles to ensure fairness Kranich, To have equitable systems, all people should be treated fairly, unhampered by artificial barriers, stereotypes or prejudices Cooper, In diverse and inclusive environments, students, staff, faculty, and administrators recognize the value of and need for diversity to achieve excellence in teaching, learning, research, scholarship, service, and practice.

As academic nursing becomes more inclusive in the recruitment of diverse learners, faculty may need to acquire new knowledge, skills, and attitudes to foster success of the student learner International Aacn position paper on nursing research of Nurses, Notably, realizing the benefits of diversity in the profession of nursing depends in part on expansion of the traditional pool of nursing school applicants and the employment of faculty and staff by appropriately defining variables reflecting the value and diversity of the human experience.

With respect to students, in particular, leadership and faculty should examine how potential student applicants are assessed for meeting qualifications and how merit or the likelihood of success in nursing is evaluated.

AACN recognizes the impact of shifting U. population demographics, a health system challenged by workforce shortages, and persistent health inequities on academic nursing. Byone in five Americans will be foreign born. Health inequities, including diminished life expectancy and poor health outcomes, vary based on race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and socioeconomic status.

The social determinants of health — the conditions in which people are born, grow, learn, live, work, play, worship, and age — coupled with the distribution of money, power and resources are primarily responsible for these inequities World Health Organization, ; Healthy Peopleaacn position paper on nursing research, Social justice is acting in accordance with fair treatment regardless of economic status, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity AACN, The desired nursing workforce that results from creating more diverse and inclusive nursing schools would be better prepared to advocate with and for others—including engaging with community leaders to work toward achieving equity in health and wellbeing The benefits of diversity and inclusivity in education programs also can help prepare health professionals to take action on or address the social determinants of health described above.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,p. To improve the quality of nursing education, ameliorate health inequities, and advance leadership in the profession and society at large, the values and principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity must remain mission central. These values and principles should be a part of the ongoing dialogue of AACN-member nursing schools, which are responsible for defining their particular educational missions and then engaging in the work to make those visions become a reality.

Nursing school leaders, administrators, faculty, staff, and students must continue to collaboratively engage in efforts to recruit, retain, and graduate students who will advance institutional missions, aacn position paper on nursing research, which should address issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity. AACN recognizes diversity, inclusion, and equity as critical to nursing education and fundamental to developing a nursing workforce able to provide high quality, culturally appropriate, and congruent health care in partnership with individuals, families, aacn position paper on nursing research, communities, and populations.

AACN is committed to preparing a community of scholars, clinicians, educators, and leaders who fully value the importance of diversity, inclusion, and equity to promote the health of the nation and the world. AACN will advocate for advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in nursing through its public policy initiatives and in its regulatory advocacy, in collaboration with the Tri-Council for Nursing and other health professions education organizations.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education and Professional Nursing Practice. Washington DC. American Nurses Association. Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD. Social justice: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 4 doi: Chang, MJ. The educational benefits of sustaining crossracial interaction among undergraduates. Journal of Higher Education 77 3 Colby, S. Projections of the size and composition of the U.

population: toCurrent population reports. Washington, DC: U. Census Bureau. Cooper, C. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management.

Blackwell Publishing, Blackwell Reference Online. Danek, J. Urban universities: Developing a health workforce aacn position paper on nursing research meets community needs. Glazer, G. Holistic Admissions in the Health Professions. Healthy People Social determinants of health. Hurtado, aacn position paper on nursing research, S. The next generation of diversity and intergroup relations research.

Journal of Social Issues 61 3 International Council of Nurses ICN. Nursing care continuum — framework and competencies. Geneva, Switzerland: ICN. Kranich, N. Libraries and Democracy, Chicago, IL: American Library Association, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

A framework for educating health professionals to address the social determinants of health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Relf, M. Advancing diversity in academic nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing. composition and diversity-related outcomes in US medical schools. Journal of the American Medical Association, 10 World Health Organization.

What are the social determinants? Carolina G. Huerta, EdD, RN, FAAN Chair University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Endorsed on March 20, by AACN Members Position statement titled changed in February to reflect current terminology. The original title was Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Academic Nursing. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academic Nursing.

Download PDF Version As the collective voice for academic nursing, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN serves as the catalyst for excellence and innovation in nursing education, research, and practice. Introduction Relevant research affirms the core interests of AACN members in advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in academic nursing.

They reflect the need to: Improve the quality of education by enhancing the capacity of academic nursing to maximize learning opportunities and experiences for students and faculty, alike, which depend aacn position paper on nursing research significant ways on learning from individuals with diverse life experiences, perspectives, aacn position paper on nursing research, and backgrounds.

Address pervasive inequities in health care by ensuring the preparation of nurses and other healthcare professionals able to meet the needs of all individuals in an increasingly diverse American society. Enhance the civic readiness and engagement potential of nursing students who will be in positions of leadership in health care, as well as in society, more broadly. Improving the Quality of Nursing Education.

Addressing Healthcare Inequities. Advancing Civic Leadership and Engagement. aacn position paper on nursing research Healthy People aspx Relf, M. Student body racial and ethnic composition and diversity-related outcomes in US medical schools. Advisory Group. AACN Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group Carolina G. Yearwood, PhD, RN, FAAN Georgetown University Lin Zhan, PhD, RN, FAAN University of Memphis AACN Staff Vernell DeWitty, PhD, RN.

Week 1 Lecture: Introduction to Nursing Research

, time: 55:27

DNP Position Statement

aacn position paper on nursing research

This position paper provides the evidence to support the above position statement on the Role of the RN in Ambulatory Care. It was published in the January-February issue of Nursing Economic$. The paper outlines the: Evolution and future direction of health care in ambulatory care settings. Explosive development of technology Oct 26,  · Nursing research provides the scientific basis for the practice of the profession. Using multiple philosophical and theory-based approaches as well as diverse methodologies, nursing research focuses on the understanding and easement of the symptoms of acute and chronic illness; prevention or delayed onset of disease or disability, or slowing the progression thereof; finding effective Since the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN’s) Position Statement on Defining Scholarship for the Discipline of Nursing was published in , academic nursing leaders have been continually evaluating nursing education programs to ensure that they are preparing the next generation of nurses to meet the healthcare needs of the public. Along with the need to determine what

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